Nemoy (1901-1997) was Yales first Judaica and Arabic
Curator. Nemoy, an immigrant from Eastern Europe began working
in the Yale library in 1923 and in 1938 he was appointed
Curator of Hebrew and Arabic Literature. During his tenure
Yale received the Alexander Kohut Memorial
Collection of Judaica (1915 and 1935) and the Sholem
Asch Collection (1946). With the acquisition of these important
collections, Yale became a center for the study of Jewish
literature, history and culture. Under his leadership important
Arabic manuscripts were acquired as well. Nemoy was also
a prolific scholar and editor. A Yale Pd.D., his articles
and book reviews appeared in many of the nation's most prestigious
academic journals. He was also editor of the Yale Judaica
Series published by the Yale Press and the Jewish Quarterly
Review published by the former Dropsie College in Philadelphia.
materials are housed in the Manuscripts and Archives Department
of the Sterling Memorial Library and in the Beinecke Rare
Book and Manuscript Library. Among the rare and unusual
Judaica at the Beinecke Library are some 150 manuscripts
and 45 incunabula (books printed before 1501). Special features
of this impressive holding include the Selah Merrill Collection
of Josephus, the Goodhart Collection of Philo imprints,
the Alexander Kohut Memorial Collection
and the Sholem Asch Collection. Materials of a political
nature can be found in the Department of Manuscripts and
Archives. Items of interest include the papers of Harry
Weinberger, a lawyer who represented may radicals of the
turn of the 20th Century such as Emma Goldman. Yales
official records documenting the history of Jews at yale
are also housed in Manuscripts and Archives.
Judaca Reading and Reference Room is located in 335B of
the Sterling Memorial Library. It is open during Library
hours to Yale students, faculty and visiting scholars. The
office of the Judaica curator, Nanette Stahl, is attached
to the Reading Room. she can be reached by email at nanette.stahl@yale.edu
and by phone: (203)432-7207.