Ketubot of the Sephardic Diaspora

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Tetuan, Morocco, 1900

Bride: G'amilah bat Yaakov Ben Yamin
Groom: Shemuel bar Yaakov Atiah
Wednesday, 9 Sivan 5660 (June 6, 1900)
On vellum

The text is framed by a stylized Moorish arch with two exotic birds flanking the sides. The names of the bride and groom and the word "hai" (life) are written in large Hebrew block letters. Above the text is a border that contains blessings for the bride and groom. The three arches at the very top contain a passage from the Book of Ruth (4:11); "May God cause the woman who is entering your home to be like Rachel and Leah who together built the house of Israel." The panel below the arches contains the inscription "with a good sign (be-simana tava). and in a time of good will, blessing and success."

A full size, readable image of this Ketubah is available by following this link to the Beinecke's Digital Image Collection

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