Ketubot from Italy

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Florence, Italy 1869

Bride: Rivkah Rika bat Yosef Kastilyoni
Groom: Refael ben Mordekhai Pinya
Sunday, 12 Heshvan 5630 (October 17, 1869)
On vellum

Blessings for the bride and groom serve as a decorative border around the text, which is written in Italian block letters. There are no decorative images. The blessings that surround the text appear in many ketubot. They express the wish that God bless the bride and groom as God blessed Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Rachel and Leah.

A full size, readable image of this Ketubah is available by following this link to the Beinecke's Digital Image Collection

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