Yale University Judaica Collection

Almanakh VUSPP.  Kharkiv, USSR:  Tsenterfarlag, 1929.
Published by the Ukrainian Proletarian Writers, Yiddish Division.

The illustrations in this book by the artists B. Blank and M. Fradkin are of such superior quality that a digital display of the images is in order. The art accompanies Yiddish texts composed of poetry, short fiction and essays for both adults and children and consists of woodblock and linocut. The jacket for the book, in color with a yellow background, is a work of art on its own. It seems to celebrate small town and rural life and the various activities that people living in those areas were engaged in. Most of the images in the book include the first letters of the two artists, Blank and Fradkin. This is true of the jacket as well. We are not given the artists’ first names. Please click the images to enlarge.