Sholem Asch Reconsidered
A conference held at Yale University, May 13-15, 2000

Joel Berkowitz (Oxford University)
Hannah Berliner Fischthal (Hofstra University)
Harley Erdman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Itzik Nakhman Gottesman (University of Texas, Austin)
Matthew Hoffman (University of California, Berkeley)
Paula Hyman (Yale University)
Matthew Frye Jacobson(Yale University)
Ellie Kellman (Brandeis University)
Mikhail Krutikuv (Oxford University)
David Mazower (London, England)
Dan Miron (Columbia University)
Anita Norich (University of Michigan)
Avraham Novershtern (Hebrew University)
Joseph Roach (Yale University)
David Roskies (Jewish Theological Seminar of America)
Naomi Seidman (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley)
Alisa Solomon (City University of New York)
Edward Stankiewicz (Yale University)
Rebecca Taichman (Yale University)
Nina Warnke (Indiana University)
Ruth Wisse (Harvard University)
Seth Wolitz (University of Texas, Austin)

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Location of Conference Sessions

Whitney Humanities Center (Yale University), 108 Wall Street, New Haven
Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale, 80 Wall Street, New Haven

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Conference Program

Saturday evening, May 13th

Sunday, May 14th

Monday, May 15 Return to Asch conference homepage


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Conference Sponsors
Yale University Library
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Program in Judaic Studies at Yale University
Whitney Humanities Center
Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale (the Yale Hillel)
The Edward and Dorothy Kempf Memorial Fund
Dr. Jerome H. Meyer and Dr. Roslyn M. Meyer
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation

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Conference Director
Dr. Nanette Stahl, email:
Judaica Curator
Yale University Library

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Planning Committee
Vincent Giroud
Curator, Modern Books and Manuscripts
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Yale University

Paula Hyman
Lucy G. Moses Professor of Modern Jewish History
Chair, Judaic Studies Program
Yale University

Rabbi James E. Ponet
Jewish Chaplain & Director, Yale Hillel/Slifka Center
Yale University

Nanette Stahl
Judaica Curator
Yale University Library

Rebecca Taichman
Graduate student
Yale Drama School

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Hotels in New Haven
If you are planning on remaining in New Haven for the entire conference and need hotel accomodations, you might try the following:

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Please send any comments or suggestions to Nanette Stahl.


Regular mail:
Nanette Stahl, Judaica Curator
Sterling Memorial Library
130 Wall Street
P.O. Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520-8240

Telephone: (203) 432-7207

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Yale University Library, Judaica Collection
Sholem Asch Conference
Updated:April 18, 2001
Copyright ©2000 Yale University Library