Keynote Address
Benjamin Harshav, Yale University
Running Time: x Hours y Minutes
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Morning Session
Chair, Paula Hyman, Yale University
Robert Alter ~ University of California, Berkeley
Yehuda Amichai: At Play in the Fields of Verse
Boaz Arpaly ~ Tel Aviv University
Worldview, Poetics, Political Significance:
Summing up Forty Years of Reading Amichai
Menakhem Perry ~ Tel-Aviv University
Facing the Dead: The New Poetics of the Young Amichai
Running Time: x Hours y Minutes
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Afternoon Session
Chair, Kevin Repp, Yale University
Chana Kronfeld ~ University of California, Berkeley
Making Honey from all the Buzz and Babble:
Translation as Metaphor in the Poetry of Yehuda Amichai
Vered Shemtov ~ Stanford University
From Communal Prayers to Homeland Songs:
The Politics of Sound in Yehuda Amichai's Poetry
Ziva Ben Porat ~ Tel-Aviv University
Amichai's Poetics as Reflected in the Visual Arts
Running Time: x Hours y Minutes
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Round Table Discussion
Paul Fry, Chair, Yale University
William Cutter, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Barbara Harshav, Yale University
Geoffrey Hartman, Yale University
Barbara Mann, Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Leon Wieseltier, The New Republic
Running Time: x Hours y Minutes
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