Books Published in Hebrew

Now and in Other Days (poetry), Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1955 [Akhshav U-ve-yamim Aherim]

Two Hopes Away (poetry), Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1958 [Be-Merhav Shte Tikvot]

In the Public Garden (poetry), Achshav, 1959 [Ba-Gina Ha-Tziburit]

In This Terrible Wind (poetry), Schocken, 1961 [Ba-Ruach Ha-Nora'ah Ha-Zot ]

Journey to Nineveh (play), Achshav, 1962 [Masa Le-Ninveh]

Not of this Time, Not of this Place (novel), Schocken, 1963 [Lo Me-Akhshav lo Mi-Kan]

Poems 1948-1962, Schocken, 1963 [Shirim 1948-1962]

Bells and Trains (plays and radio scripts), Schocken, 1968 [Pa'amonim Ve-Rakavot]

Now in Noise (poetry), Schocken, 1969 [Akhshav Ba-Ra'ash]

Not to Remember (poetry), Schocken, 1971 [Ve-Lo Al Menat Lizkor]

To Have a Dwelling Place (novel), Bitan, 1971 [Mi Itneni Malon]

Behind all this Hides a Great Happiness (poetry), Schocken, 1974 [Me-Ahore Kol Ze Mistater Osher Gadol]

Time (poetry), Schocken, 1977 [Zeman]

Numa's Fat Tail (children), Schocken, 1978 [Ha-Zanav Ha-Shamen Shel Numa]

Great Tranquillity: Questions and Answers (poetry), Schocken, 1980 [Shalvah Gedolah: Shelot U-Teshuvot]

Hour of Grace (poetry), Schocken, 1982 [Sha'at Hesed]

Of Man Thou Art, and unto Man Shalt Thou Return (poetry), Schocken, 1985
[Me-Adam Atah Ve-El Adam Tashuv]

The Fist Too Was Once an Open Hand with Fingers (poetry), Schocken, 1990
[Gam Ha-Egrof Hayah Pa'am Yad Ptuhah Ve-Etzbaot]

Open Eyed Land (poetry), Schocken, 1992 [Nof Galui Eyinaim]

Akhziv, Cesarea and One Love (poetry), Schocken, 1996 [Akhziv, Kesariyah Ve-Ahavah Ahat]

Open Closed Open, Schocken, 1998 [Patuaḥ Sagur Patuaḥ]

Selections of Poems

About Amichai's Poetry Amichai has long been a highly respected poet in Israel and abroad. Ted Hughes wrote about Amichai's book, Great Tranquillity (1983): "Yehuda Amichai begins to look more and more like a truly major poet - in the strict sense of the term. That is, there's a depth, breadth and weighty momentum in these subtle and intricate poems of his, even in the slightest, that sounds more and more like the undersong of a people. Who else is dipping his bucket into such a full river of experience and paid-for feeling?" He noted that Amichai's imagistic language is drawn from both the external and the spiritual history of Jewry. "It is as if the whole ancient spiritual investment has been suddenly cashed, in modern coinage, flooding his poetry with an inexhaustible currency of precise and weighty metaphors."

Poet and translator Michael Hamburger referred to Amichai's acute historical consciousness which, he suggested, makes his poetry at once tragic and humorous, harsh and tender, direct and indirect. And he added: "Although he has fought in two wars, against the Germans and against the Arabs, he cannot accept the simplifications of nationalism. Although he is steeped in Jewish scripture, he cannot accept the certainties of an exclusive faith. For Amichai, therefore, to be an Israeli is quite as difficult as to be a Diaspora Jew; and his preoccupation with his parents, in the poems, means that he assumes the burdens and dilemmas of both."

Leon Wieseltier wrote: "Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Yehuda Amichai is his composure. From a life cluttered with ancient torments, with the collective memory of his people's pains and the personal recollection of his own, he calmly extracts the essences, and leaves the rest for laughter. These are elementary poems by an elementary man."

Publishers Weekly wrote: "Israel's best-known poet sifts centuries of Jewish experience in first-hand impressions of his troubled land; moreover, he makes the particular universal. In their richness of history, their ever-present political dimensions, their sharing of a common frame of reference with their audience, these poems are miles above almost anything in contemporary American verse."

Performed Plays

No Man's Land [Zavit-1962]

Journey to Ninveh [Habimah-1964]

Books in English Translation

Akhziv, Caesarea and One Love Tel Aviv, Schocken, 1996

Amen New York, Harper & Row, 1977

Minneapolis, Milkweed Editions, 1977, New York, Oxford University Press, 1978

Even a fist was once an open palm with fingers, New York, Harper Perennial, 1991

Great tranquillity: questions and answers , New York, Harper & Row, 1983, New York, Sheep Meadow, 1997

Love poems, Tel Aviv, Schocken, 1981, New York, Harper & Row, 1981

More love poems, Tel Aviv, Schocken, 1994

Poems, New York, Harper & Row, 1969

Poems of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Schocken, 1987, New York, Harper & Row, 1988

Poems of Jerusalem and Love Poems, New York, Sheep Meadow, 1992

Selected Poems, London, Cape Goliard, 1968, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1971, London, Scepture Press, 1979, London, Viking, 1987, London, Penguin Books, 1988, Huntington Woods, Landmarks Press, 1994

Songs of Jerusalem and Myself, New York, Harper & Row, 1973

The early books of Yehuda Amichai, Riverdale-on-Hudson, Sheep Meadow Press, 1988

The selected poetry of Yehuda Amichai, New York, Harper & Row, 1986, Toronto, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1986, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1996

Time, London, Oxford University Press, 1979, New York, Harper & Row, 1979

Travels of a Latter-day Benjamin of Tudela, London, Menard, 1977, Missouri , Webster Review,1977, New York, Sheep Meadow Press, 1986, Toronto, Exile Editions, 1986

Yehuda Amichai : A life of poetry, 1948-1994, New York, HarperCollins, 1994, New York, HarperPerennial, 1995

Open eyed land - Landschaft offenen auges, (English German and Hebrew) - Tel Aviv, Schocken, 1992

Open Closed Open - New York : Harcourt, 2000

Fiction in English Translation

Not of this time, not of this place, New York, Harper & Row, 1968, London, Vallentine Mitchell,1973

The world is a room and other stories, Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1984

Drama in English Translation

Bells and trains, Jerusalem, Kol Israel, 1962

To love in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Kol Israel, 1984

Visit of the Queen of Sheba, Jerusalem, Kol Israel, 1984