Saturday, October 20, 2007

Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale, 80 Wall St.

Chair, Ivan Marcus, Yale University

8:30 PM ~ Keynote address:
Benjamin Harshav, Yale University

Political Discourse and Situational Cognition In Amichai's Poetry


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall St.

9:00 - 9:30 ~ Coffee and pastries

Lectures will take place in the auditorium


Morning Session

Chair, Paula Hyman, Yale University

Robert Alter ~ University of California, Berkeley
Yehuda Amichai: At Play in the Fields of Verse

Boaz Arpaly ~ Tel Aviv University
Worldview, Poetics, Political Significance:
Summing up Forty Years of Reading Amichai

Menakhem Perry ~ Tel-Aviv University
Facing the Dead: The New Poetics of the Young Amichai


Lunch Break


Afternoon Session

Chair, Kevin Repp, Yale University

Chana Kronfeld ~ University of California, Berkeley
Making Honey from all the Buzz and Babble:
Translation as Metaphor in the Poetry of Yehuda Amichai

Michael Gluzman ~ Tel-Aviv University
Amichai's Bible and the Poetics of Intertextuality

Vered Shemtov ~ Stanford University
From Communal Prayers to Homeland Songs:
The Politics of Sound in Yehuda Amichai's Poetry

Ziva Ben Porat ~ Tel-Aviv University
Amichai's Poetics as Reflected in the Visual Arts


Round Table Discussion

Paul Fry, Chair, Yale University

William Cutter, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Barbara Harshav, Yale University

Geoffrey Hartman, Yale University

Barbara Mann, Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Leon Wieseltier, The New Republic


Reception in WHC

Mrs. Hana Amichai will be present.

Roundtable Participant Biographies

Paul Fry, Chair - William Lampson Professor of English at Yale University.  He received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley and his Ph. D. from Harvard. His primary areas of specialization are British romanticism, the history of literary criticism, and contemporary literary theory. The Poet's Calling in the English Ode (Yale, 1980) received the Melville Cane Award of the Poetry Society in America.  Among his other books are A Defense of Poetry: Essays on the Occasion of Writing (Stanford, 1996), and ed., The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Bedford-St. Martins, 1999).

William Cutter - Professor of Hebrew Literature, and Steinberg Professor of Human Relations at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles.  He is the author, most recently, of the book HEALING AND THE JEWISH IMAGINATION, and of numerous articles of Hebrew literary criticism and literary history.  His work on Micah Yosef Berdyczewski includes ten articles on Berdyczewski's thinking about culture and language development.  He teaches several seminars on Amichai's poetry--especially related to memory as a theme and Amichai's "anti-poetics" as literary strategy.
Barbara Harshav - Historian and published translator of Hebrew works of fiction, history, poetry, and drama by such prominent authors as S.Y. Agnon, Yehudah Amichai, Hanoch Levin, Meir Shalev, Michal Govrin, and Yitzhak Zuckerman. She also translates widely from German, French, and Yiddish. In the last four years, she has taught a course on translation in the Comparative Literature department of Yale University.
Geoffrey Hartman - Sterling Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at Yale University as well as literary theorist and one of the leading members of the deconstructionist school of criticism as portrayed in one of his works, "The Interpreter's Freud." Some of Hartman's most recent books are: 1987 - The Unremarkable Wordsworth; 1991 - Minor Prophecies: The Literary Essay in the Culture Wars; 1996 - The Longest Shadow: In the Afrermath of the Holocaust; 1997 - The Fateful Question of Culture; 1999 - A Critic's Journey: Literary Reflections, 1958-1998
Barbara Mann - Associate Professor of Jewish Literature at The Jewish Theological Seminary. Her areas of expertise include Israeli and Jewish literature, cultural studies, modern poetry, urban studies, literary modernism, and the fine arts. Dr. Mann's current research concerns the relation between literature and the fine arts in twentieth-century Jewish culture.  She is the author of A Place in History: Modernism, Tel Aviv and the Creation of Jewish Urban Space (Stanford University Press, 2005).  Dr. Mann is currently Coeditor-in-Chief of Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History.
Leon Wieseltier - Writer, critic, and literary editor of The New Republic as well as translator of Yehuda Amichai's poetry. Three of his most well-known books are Kaddish (1998), Against Identity (1996), and Nuclear War, Nuclear Peace (1983) .


Hotels in New Haven

If you are planning on remaining in New Haven for the entire conference and need hotel accomodations, you might try the following:

The Colony Inn, 1157 Chapel Street, 203-776-1234

The Omni Hotel, 155 Temple Street, 1-800-THE OMNI

New Haven Hotel, 229 George Street, 203-498-3100

Courtyard New Haven at Yale, 30 Whalley Avenue, 203-777-6221


Conference Sponsors

Yale University Library

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Program in Judaic Studies

Department of Comparative Literature

Whitney Humanities Center

Lucius N. Littauer Foundation

Edward J. & Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund


Committee Members

Nanette Stahl

Judaica Curator and Conference Coordinator
Yale University

Paul Fry
William Lampson Professor of English
Yale University

Benjamin Harshav
Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Professor of Modern Hebrew Language & Literature
Professor of Comparative Literature & Slavic Languages & Literature
Yale University

Paula Hyman
Lucy G. Moses Professor of Modern Jewish History
Yale University

Ivan Marcus
Frederick P. Rose Professor of Jewish History
Chairman of the Program in Judaic Studies
Yale University

Kevin Repp
Curator of Modern Books and Manuscripts
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Yale University



Please send any comments or suggestions to Nanette Stahl.


Regular mail:
Nanette Stahl, Judaica Curator
Sterling Memorial Library
130 Wall Street
P.O. Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520-8240

Telephone: (203) 432-7207